Love, Attraction, Crush, Infatuation
These four words are the world's most confusing ever!
Yes! They are" because you're thinking about them too much right?
"Why?" Why don't you ignore it if it's confusing, that's not in your semester syllabus! You can ignore it. If you need to know about them?
However, I will try to expound them in my way. "Let's Go"
Love, Attraction, Crush, Infatuation
This question is appetizing for my writer's brain. It's also appetizing for my psychologist's brain. Answering it will be fun:) I'll visualize it in pictures of men, haha.
You generally like the person. You consider them appealing. You don't need to have any feelings whatsoever, but you like to be around them. You think they look nice, maybe smell nice. They might have a nice sense of humor. When it comes down to it, you don't really care about them personally, they are just nice to have around. This is entirely based off of their surface personality/looks. Sometimes, you don't even care about what their personality is like unless it's downright repelling.
Prolonged attraction generally leads to a crush. it is a magnified version of the attraction. You don't really know the person and don't really take steps to get to know them. You start to notice their physical features more and feel more attracted to them. You also start to appreciate their personality more. However, it might not be someone you even want to pursue. It can just be that more of your attraction is focused on one person, but you could definitely still be considering other people.
This is where it starts to get a bit more serious because, at this point, you're bringing in feelings and wishing to pursue this person.
It's very likely that you will actually pursue this person. This is the stage where you want to find out more about them, and really get a feel for who they are. This is the stage for disappointments and rejections. I think there is another stage. Liking" This is infatuation, wearing a suit. You start to care about them at a more personal level but still have expectations of them. Getting over them would take much longer because you've started to open yourself up. I think this is crucial between infatuation and liking. Up till then, it's all about them, but at this point you want them to know about you too, to create a bond.
This is when you start to accept that things aren't going how you dream, and they aren't perfect. You realize their personal well-being is better than some fantasy you've created. You fight for them, and not the "them" you imagined. You let them be, and as long as they're happy, so are you, You try to adjust to their personal needs and likes because they are more important than your pre-conceived ideas. This is really when you focus on the person, including things they don't want to face. You shared a profound connection and would sacrifice yourself for them. You are willing o take their bad moods, and don't take it personally, because you understand them at a deep level. You don't expect them to be "protectors" or to play any specific role. You let them cry on your shoulder And give them support and nurturance. You just want them to be authentically them, and help them find their best self, even if it's not what you first saw them as. (I took Radha Krishna as a perfect example)
And one more thing I would like to cherish with everyone, that does not try to understand these at an early age. Because if you try to make it but you don't! these are the species that only came into your consideration by the time.
All you have to do is to enjoy the present and experience those sweet moments
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