A Successful Story Of 2 Ever Valentines

"LOVE" Doesn't fail all the time, It can give colorful life for something worthwhile.
Okay... Here One of the true valentine "RAJ" Shared his beautiful story with us.
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Back in 2013, I joined my new school in November, at the end of the year. It was my first day in school, my dad left me at the reception and the morning assembly was going on. I waited till it finishes then I asked the mam where is my class? The receptionist told a girl to show me a way to my class, she did and as I was passing through the windows of class, I saw two girls sitting there and chatting, and one of both was settling her hairs as they were coming on her face.

I didn't bother about that as I was Too nervous as it's my first day. I reached in class the class in charge welcomed me and I gave my introduction and then she told me to sit on the first bench with a guy. I sat and the first three days I even didn't utter a word from my mouth, as I was too nervous. Then on my bus, I met a guy who was my classmate, let's call him Raj. We both became good friends, my class 8th passed. The new session started and now I was happily comfortable in that school and enjoy lots with my friends. As my friends use to talk with girls and have funny talks with them. I feel shy a lot to talk with any girl as it was my mentality that the girls of high-class society have more attitude (i was a movie lover, it's because of that my mentality was like this)

Half of the 9th session passed, my best friend talks a lot with a particular girl as they were classmates from the nursery, I was always with my friend every time whether playing volleyball basketball football, and all the girls play along with us,( it's a different thing I never played) I don't know what made me crazy to talk with a particular girl let's call her Vaibhavi. I daily hear her voice as chatting with my friend. I enquired about her from my friend and he told me her name and said she is very innocent, not like other girls. I didn't understand his statement that time. Now I daily enquired about her from K. He stated judging me and ask u want to talk with her? I indirectly said yes.

The next day they were talking and he started involving me indirectly and she said hello; within 4–5 months, I can talk with her independently, we two sat behind her and enjoy the day.

I don't know that time whether she is my crush or something because i never talked with a girl except my sisters, V was very frank with everyone and she uses to live the day fully,

At the end of the 9th session in November or December, I started feeling really jealous when she talks with other guys from my class. She was the prettiest girl in our school. When I told my best friend about this feeling, he said maybe you like her, but what he said further, killed all my happiness, he said forget her she is already in a relationship with a boy of class 10th. I felt broken. I cried a lot. Then my elder sister said to me, it just takes 3 days to change a habit, it was random talk but don't know in which way I took it. I decided to stop talking with her, for the next 3 days I didn't talk with her. I use to escape for any reason when she approaches us to talk with us. After three days what happened, I still remember,

Our maths class was going on and we were sitting on the first bench and sir was checking copies and it takes 10 minutes as he was checking a copy of whole year and when K got up for his turn and I was sitting alone as the second bench of the row was empty, I was preparing my copy, suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned it was she and she asked me,” Kuch huya hai? U haven't talked for 3 days with me” I was shocked by her statement and I said no, no, I was just busy with some work that's why she said OHHHH ok

She went to her seat and now butterflies were flying in my stomach, I was so happy that she noticed that I haven't talked with her. When K comes back, I told him and he said” vaaahhhhh chaa gya Tu toh” he pumped me a lot that day and I too got pumped, for the next week we talk happily and after that in the canteen area, she was walking with a guy from class 10th, I thought maybe it was her boyfriend. Then again I felt bad and something stuck to my mind, I didn't talk with her for months as I want to forget her, she tried talking with me but not as earlier she came and asked what happened? I realized maybe she is frank that's why she asked me that day what happened.

I felt I was soo stupid I took this thing as personal. our session passed and we promoted in class 10th and on the first day of class I came earlier as I started coming on the bike, I was sitting on my bench and her bus came, she and her friend walked in class and I headed down on the bench, when I look up she wished me good morning and I too replied morning. We didn't talk much now, maybe she didn't bother if a random classmate didn't talk with her much. After that, I started coming late to school so that I cannot encounter her individually. Now the best part begins

Our class in charge gave me the responsibility of signing dairy of all class as he got busy all day, I accepted that responsibility, and when I came to girl’s row I signed their (most of the girls talk with me as I was comfortable with talking with girls)

When I use to come to her desk I skipped her desk and made a U-turn from row to check her friend’s diary. It was not that I was teasing her or showing my attitude, it's just because I want to control what I feel about her. I thought this made her no big deal if I do this. It happened for weeks then one day I was coming nearer her desk when I try to make a u-turn she left her seat and went to sir to sign her diary. I was like what happened today suddenly. Then this starts happening daily. One day our games period was going on and I was sitting alone in class as I hate to play in the bright sun. She and her friend came to class as soon as I saw them I left the class with my bootle. Maybe I was rude that time

One day she asked me clearly what is my problem why I am behaving rudely. I said no I am not, it's a misunderstanding. On the same day I messaged her on FB and to which she replied a day later, she again asked what is my problem? Then I decided to tell her what I feel about her. I told her I feel jealous when you talk with others. She asked but why? I said because I like you,. For the next 5 minutes, there was silence. Suddenly she messaged, sorry I don't want any type of relationship now. I didn't ask her why.

I felt broken it was my first love and straight away she rejected me, I broke my phone, household things for my fortune. After that I cried a lot, I said to mom dad I don't want to go to school, but they forced and sent me. When I first saw her after rejection on Monday, I didn't utter a word even I headed down all day, this continued for 2 days and then I got her message,” we can be good friends, don't you want to?” I didn't reply to her message. This happened in August and then for the next 3 months I didn't face her. Completly boycotted.

Then something amazing happened, in last week of September, there was my sister’s engagement and all of my relatives were in-home, and one of my cousins use to sleep with me and in late-night, he was using my Facebook id to see posts, then around 12:24 am he got a message from a girl and he started talking with her, after some conversation the girl realized it wasn't me, so she messaged are you, my classmate? My cousin got nervous and then he made me woke up and said someone messaging you, I was in sleep but as soon as I saw it was her, all my sleep gone. I didn't sleep that night by just thinking all night why she messaged me? Then next day in school I behave as I didn't saw her message, behaved as I was doing earlier. Then in the evening, I got her message again this time I talked, I wasn't understanding that time should I talk or not? But since I too wanted, I go ahead and we talked. she asked me about my studies and my daily routine and also asked about my dream. Then she asked me you still have problems with me? Too which I replied I don't know, I rudely said. She asked me, do you want to talk with me now or not? I said I want to, then some random conversation went, in the school, we still didn't talk school.

In the same week I was talking with her and my elder sister saw my chat with her, she started talking with her and she asked for a pic, which she gave happily, she again asked me will you be my friend? I wasn't understanding how it would be, I love her and she just wants us to be friends. My sister said to me if I really love her then do what she wants, to which I agreed with a heavy heart as I want to love her and she just good friends. But I want her to be happy always so I agreed we should be good friends.

On the next day in school, she said hello for the first time in 4 months, to which I replied politely. Then the same things went, I saw her with other guys, but this time I taught myself I am just a friend of her, I shouldn't be jealous. Then this continued for a month and I still remember 28th October was my life-changing day, we were randomly talking and she said,” I have fallen for you”, first I didn't understand this statement but when my sister read this she said, yaa she loves you too, I asked her why she said now, why not earlier? She replied she also didn't understand her own feelings, i was confused myself, she said. Then she went offline and in next day we again didn't talk, on Facebook she said, she also feels jealous when she see me talking with other girls. We came into the relationship.

In December, we decided to meet outside and it was Wednesday and she was waiting for me on road in a car, we sat in the car, she asked me to tell me some good places to go, but we remained in the car as we want privacy. She told me she was cheated earlier, that's why she doesn't want any relationship, I was shaken first when heard this. She said she was scared that's why she refused me. But you are a different one, you love me truly, she said. We hugged that time and left for houses. I was very much happy and we talk daily on phone and on Facebook. Use to talk whole nights, we again met on 12th January and we kissed for the first time. And now we were completely comfortable with each other and we know we are made for each other.

Then we decided to tell our parents about us, she told her mom about me, and she was happy for us. I too decided to tell my mom and dad and my all family members, she talked with my mom on phone. Mom said her to come and meet them. In 2015 she came home and met mom dad, they were really happy for her, my mom uses to say, lucky boy! The only thing dad told us to work hard and to stand on our feet in life and settle for a good career. We understand this, and we promised them we will fulfill this.

Now we are in class 12th, I am preparing for my IIT-JEE and she wants to be a fashion designer and I know she will become one of the greatest designers.



Thank you.......


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