Hey Guy's


Before starting to read this, hold on for a minute and just remember a moment from your life that you laughed so damn loudly without thinking of anything.........

Hope a lovely moment hit your heart..........

Okay how does it feels like.......?

That will be so delightful for every human to recall the happiest moments of our lives, and here what makes you to laugh or being meticulous? It's all about how you accept the situations. Our life will be always gratifying unless you're bounded to someone emotionally. 


Let me go some more in depth_____

If your happy for walking in the full moon night with a pretty girl hand in hand will always kills you.

But the same thing if you do it by replacing a beer rather than a girl, it will be worthwhile contentment.

Because here you might not realize when you are experiencing it. While days passing you will get to know, later on you think that the moment is F'kin shit that shouldn't happen!


That a girl might change her feelings and emotions towards you, it won't be the same at the moment you spend with her in the past or you might have changed yours to her in the same path depending on the situations you overcome.

But a beer, the moon and the nature will never fade so far you live on this planet earth.

Fell in love with the nature it will never hurt you.

You may think why did I say this....? Yes I had a beautiful moment in the full moon night and i really very exciting to share with you.

Let's get into my moment how I felt-------

Have you ever travelled through a thick forest in the full moon night Winter? you will do that after reading this.

The night with full moon will show you the contrasting scenic beauty of this universe, We as humans mostly sleep in the night but once if you go out on a full moon mid night it will give's you a very pleasant memory.

I started from my home out on my bike and going through an empty road that the road sides all covered with a farming fields and trees, I got a different glare of vision looking at them in that foggy white light spred-up in the nature. we generally roam in the sunlight but when it comes to moon light it's completely unusual to our vision it feels like a coloured rain with the combination of light faded blue and white............ AWESOME😍 
The bad luck is you can not capture that in a picture however you've to go there lively experience it. 

And I am moving in that beautiful scene after a while I went to a roadside lake with lotus leaves, flowers and vetivers. The lake that surrounded by the farming fields out of a village.

I stand there and arranged a small fire, then I serenely feeling the moonlight over the water by holding a chilled beer in my hand, a sip of beer in the foggy mist by standing aside the fire. enjoying the beauty of moonlight in 17° Temperature but it feels like 10 

This is somehow how it looks


Looking at the moonlight over the calm water it feels like 1/100th transparent milk pouring from the moon on this earth and sounds that small insects making is like a lovely melody.

The foggy mist made water drops on the grass are looking like diamonds in the fire light.

I am at that moment felt very empty out of all thoughts and just experiencing the nature's beauty.

Cold weather that i can feel with my arms and breath standing beside the fire making me a bit of cozy.

I can say that I never ever enjoyed like this. Moon light is always beautiful but it's more than that if it is in a winter full moon my experience has no limits.

After spending 1 splendid hour over the lake I step towards home, in the mid way a place with bridge on a brook that I am crossing over it with 20 KMPH speed and freezing wind that hitting on my face and hands. At that moment, The night gifted me another intrinsic beauty. While am crossing over that bridge.


Picture as an example

Then all of a sudden. A bunch of fireflies flying by gazing at the sky. I stopped and turned of my bike lights, The scene of fireflies with a background of large and linear group of palm trees, It feels like shiny and small yellowish gold pieces are floating in the sky. how wonderful it is to experience i am god damn lucky enough to feel it. Just imagine yourself seeing a bunch of fireflies all together in a moonlight with beautiful nature.

This winter full moon night will stay in my heart forever 💘

NOTE - I didn't speak a single word out in the 3 hours of this night trip. That's how it goes.

TIME SPENT -   1 AM to 3 AM


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