Perceptions and Misunderstandings

I don't want to mention anyone in this article, I am using my name in this and I writing a third-person perspective as a story.

Puvvu's World

A story of perception and Misunderstandings

Puvvu is a college student who embodies joy, humor, and a carefree attitude. He's the type of person who can make anyone's day better with his smile and laughter. Yet, in the eyes of different people, Puvvu's actions are often misunderstood and misinterpreted. Society sees one version of puvvu, while his close friends and family (Mother, Father, Brother) know another. This is a story about how perspective shapes judgment.

Society perspectives on common man

1. The good friend vs The troublemaker

One afternoon, Puvvu's best friend, Raghu is feeling low. Raghu's favorite actor has a new movie out, but he doesn't have the motivation to go. Puvvu, being the caring friend he is, decides to skip college and Raghu to the movie, or have fun out in nature or a long drive just to set his mood calm and peaceful Puvvu can do anything. To Raghu, this act is a sign of genuine friendship. A friend who prioritizes mental well-being over a mundane lecture. Puvvu cheers him up, and they share laughs throughout the company of each other.

However, for the college principal, Puvvu's absence in class means something entirely different. When the attendance sheet comes in, and Puvvu's name is missing, he is labeled as irresponsible and careless. The principal doesn't see the bond of friendship or understand why puvvu chooses to bunk; he only sees a rebellious student defying college rules.

For Raghu, Puvvu is a mood changer, but in the eyes of authority, Puvvu is a troublemaker.

2. The Hero Brother vs The Rowdy Fellow

Another day, Puvvu's younger sister, Priya, is being teased by a group of boys outside their home. Puvvu steps in, confronting the bullies with a few strong words. When they refuse to back down, things escalate into a fight. Puvvu doesn't intend to hurt anyone, but his protective instincts take over, and he ends up getting physical to defend his sister.

For Priya, Puvvu is her hero. She feels safe knowing her brother is always there to protect her.
In her eyes, he stood up for the honor, shielding her from harm. But for the onlookers, neighbors, and society -Puvvu's actions are interpreted differently. They see a fight and assume he's a "rowdy fellow," prone to violence.

Society doesn't ask why puvvu fought. They simply see a boy using fists and label him a troublemaker. His noble intent is lost in their judgment.

3. The Pure-Hearted Friends vs Reckless Love Birds

Puvvu has been in a friendship with a girl for a while, but their relationship is like a brother and sister and it is built on respect and understanding. One day, they sit together in the bus stand talking about their dreams and future endeavors. Their conversation is filled with laughter, but there's nothing inappropriate about it.

However, a group of students nearby, along with a few teachers, see them together and start whispering. "Look at those two," they say, "so reckless, always flaunting their relationship in public." To them, it doesn't matter that puvvu and his friend are simply having a light chit-chat.

The truth is irrelevant; what matters is how things look on the surface. To society, Me and my friend are seen as lovebirds, careless and public with their affection, no matter how pure our friendship may be.

4. The Fun Party vs The Alcoholic Reputation

During reunions with old friends, people crack a few adult words in joking and laugh at silly things and they act crazy shit. it doesn't mean they always do that. The group shares harmless jokes and enjoys each other's company. There will be alcohol involved because that's an occasion, they will be loud and carefree, just having fun. Without hurting anyone, without teasing anyone they just live in that beautiful moment. But it doesn't mean that they drink and act crazy, and silly all the time and all the week. it was just an occasion.

The next day, rumors start to spread around the neighborhood and in the society. Someone saw Puvvu laughing with his friends and having alcohol, he might be a heavy drinker. And dancing with a group of people so badly (Inner me: It's not a dance show you idiots). He is always at parties they assumed this by looking at me at a party just one time. 

No one bothers to ask what really happened. The assumption is enough to paint him as someone who drinks regularly, tarnishing his reputation without a shred of truth.

5. The Job Seeker vs The Irresponsible Boy

Puvvu has been diligently searching for a job for months asking in their circle, applying to various companies, attending interviews, and even improving his skills. Unfortunately, the strikes in the industries caused many businesses to halt hiring. Despite his best efforts, Puvvu is unable to secure a job, and the constant rejections are taking a toll on his mental health.

At home, puvvu often seems tired and defeated, struggling with the pressure to succeed. His close friends know how hard he's been working and understand the toll the situation has taken on him. They offer words of support, encouraging him to keep pushing through.

However, society sees a different picture. Neighbors and distant relatives begin to talk, labeling Puvvu as "lazy" or "irresponsible." They notice that he's still unemployed and assume it's due to lack of effort, not knowing about the present situation in our career industries and mental health. To them, he's just another young guy wasting time, when in reality, Puvvu is battling both external challenges and internal pressures every day.

No one asks about his struggles or offers empathy for the difficult job market. Instead, they pass judgment, adding to the weight on Puvvu's shoulders.

However, people's life is filled with contrasting perspectives. But to the larger world, he's often judged harshly based on incomplete stories and assumptions.

Some people judge their entire life seeing by a single picture holding a cigarette in their hands. without knowing the purpose of that picture.

What if! A girl talking to a stranger in a public place they might asking an address or for any other information. but you see them for a second on the road and assume that she's a dangerous girl who flirts with many people, you say this without any knowledge of their situation and purpose. How vulgar it is to say like that. Have some faith in dignity.

The truth is people don't ask questions anymore. They judge by what they see, filling in the blanks with their imaginations or being listened to by someone who misunderstands. In today's world, society often fails to see the good in others because it's easier to believe in stereotypes than to understand the complexity of human actions.

I am the prime example of how a person can be both a hero and a villain, depending on who is watching. My life teaches me that before we judge, we must first seek to understand.


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